(website last updated 10/9/22)
On this page of our website you will find news of our most recent events, announcements of upcoming events, our meeting and breakfast times and places, etc. Check out the "About" and "Photos" pages for more information about our Post. The "Calendar" page is now up and running; if you have anything to add to the calendar, all or email Dave Sauvé, our Post Adjutant and website administrator.
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Check out the "Communications" page for current messages from our Post Commander, Adjutant and Service Officer...check out the links at the bottom of this page for the Veterans Memorial Building calendar, VFW national HQs and EDC Veterans Affairs!
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Any member who is not on our email list and wishes to be added to the list please contact Adjutant Dave Sauvé at (530) 622-2564 or at our Post email address: vfw10165@yahoo.com
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Our next monthly meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 1st.. We'll have an awards dinner in the dining room honoring local law enforcement (EDC Custody Division) and the winners of the VFW Patriots Pen, Voice of Democracy and Teacher of the Year. Festivities will start at 6:00 PM. We'll hold a short, abbreviated business meeting in the lounge prior to the dinner (5:00 PM).
Our next "Second Sunday Community Breakfast" is coming up on November13th, 2022. We had good turnout for the September 11th, 2022 breakfast - 118 adults and 10 children served. Thanks to all who pitched in! Our breakfast service starts at 7:00 AM. Additional help is always welcome in the kitchen, starting about 5:30 AM. Contact Len Squier IV to volunteer..
Our wonderful kitchen crew at the 1/9/22 "Second Sunday Community Breakfast" - L to R - Diswhwasher extrordinaire QM Amber Squier, Expert egg-cracker Trustee Rich Heller, Dishwasher/Rover PPC Bob Kinzel, ham and sausage guy PPC Dennis Haas, Gravy Girl and steamline assistant Lauralee Flannery, Kitchen Commander and Post Surgeon Len Squier IV, Egg Chef Supreme Victor Mansfield, Steam Line Queen Cathy Kinzel and Pancake/Hash Browns Expert Bill Vannoy.
Senior Vice Commander Veronica Salter (first day on the "steam line) and husband John (a big help in the dining room bussing and clearing dishes) at our successful November 14th "Second Sunday Community Breakfast" in the Veterans Memorial Building kitchen.
The "Second Sunday Community Breakfast" dining room crew...Left to Right, Julie Sauvé. coffee & juice table; Emily Owens, server; Dave Sauvé, dining room orderly (bus boy); Hiede Poole, assistant DRO; Lauralee Baxter and Sue Young, servers.
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Post Adjutant Dave Sauvé presenting our $2,500 donation check to Sue Alverson, Development Director at the VFW National Home for Children in Eaton Rapids, MI on 9/10/21
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Our Post 10165 well represented at the dedication ceremony for the "Blue Star Memorial Byway" plaque at the EDC Veterans Memorial Building. L to R - Service Officer Jim Goodspeed, Buddy Poppy Chairman and Post Judge Advocate Victor Mansfield, PPC Bob Kinzel, SVC Veronca Salter, Commander "Mac" McAdams, Adjutant Dave Sauvé and Steve Blackstock.
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Commander McAdams opened the meeting at 6:02 PM with 22 members and four guests in attendance. All officers were present except for Officer of the Day Don Johnson, who was excused.
Before the business meeting commenced, we heard from two guests. Birst was Ms. Haley Applegarth of El Dorado Transit, who gave a presentation about the agency's new "My Ride" transportation for veterans progrem. The second guest was Tim Whalen of EDVR who updated us on plans and needs for the upcoming (9/30/22 & 10/1/22) El Dorado County "Stand Down" at the Veterns Memorial Building.
The minutes of the 8/2/22 meeting and the Treasurer's report were both approved as reported (QM report subject to audit). We voted to accept two members into the Post. Dean Mauriello, Navy veteran of AFEM campaign and Gary LaMark, Navy Vietnam veteran.
Service Officer Jim Goodspeed reported that the "Meals for Veterans" program was now self sufficient and that they had served 800+ meals last month.
Under unfinished business, Commander McAdams showed off the plaque honoring the Post for excellence in membership retention and recruiting that he had received at last month's District 17 meeting. He also expressed the need for the local veterans organizations to be involved in how local veterans are honored at the EDC Veterans Monument.
Under new business, we voted to make a monetary contribution to the EDC Stand Down, the EDC Boys and Girls club, and to assist a member with his mobility vehicle repair. Commander McAdams brought up a number of goals and suggestions for Post activities. These included providing uniforms for our drill team, reestablishing the VOD program, and honoring local "BSA Scout of the Year" and an outstanding law enforcement member and hospital worker with monetary awards.
District 17 Commander Dave Kuta made an appearence late in the meeting to introduce himself and remind us of our responsibilities to assist other veterans in need.
Under Good of the Order, Adjutant Sauvé thanked those who filled in for him as VMB Manager during hs recent illness and those who offered help and assistance. We also got a adequate show of hands for staffing our upcoming 9/11/22 breakfast. He also displayed our first "Platinum Award" plaque for our latest contribution to the National Home for Children. Commander McAdams asked for suggestions for locations for a November 1st monthly meeting/awards ceremony dinner and for our Christmas party/December monthly meeting.
Chaplain Zajec recited a closing blessing at 7"02 PM and Commander McAdams adjourned the meeting at 7:05 PM with a final flag salute. Leo Springer won the 50/50 attendance drawing. Next meeting is October 4th..
Respectfully submitted - Dave Sauvé, Adjutant